Active Ministries
Weekly Ministry Opportunities
9:30 a.m. Sunday School
11:00 a.m. Sunday Worship Service
12:00 p.m. Devotional Via Ring Central Mtgs
7:00 p.m. Bible Study Via Ring Central Mtgs
7:00 p.m. Quarterly Church Business Meeting
5:00 p.m. Food Bank of AK Registration
6:00 p.m. Food Bank Food Distribution
9:00 a.m. Church Council Meeting (Last Sat Monthly)
9:00 a.m. Minister’s meeting (3rd Sat Monthly)
Pastor- Wilber L. Mickens, Jr.
Ministers- Minister Carolyn Knox, Minister Jennifer Walker
Acting Treasurer- Sis. Myrtle Williams
Sunday School Ministry- Sis. Bettie Williams
Trustee Ministry- Chairman Bruce Cross, Sis. Gloria Johnson
Education Ministry- Sis. Gloria Johnson
Deacons- Chairman Richard Binion, Deacon James Barbee, In Training- Tommie Johnson
Music Ministry- Sis. Karla Hicks
Nursery Ministry- Sis. Catrina Nicdao
Kitchen Ministry- Bro Tommy Johnson
Children/Youth Ministry- Disciplship- Minister Jennifer Walker
Benevolence/Program/Outreach Ministry- Minister Carolyn Knox
WMU Ministry- Sis. Shirley Binion
Evangelism Minister- Sis. Robin Barden
Prayer Ministry- Sis. Collette Ellis
Administrative Assistant- Sis Rashanda Smith
Vacant Ministries- Usher, Scholarship, B.E.L.L.Y, Brotherhood, Recreation
The responsibilities of the Church Council is to lead in planning, coordinating, conducting, and evaluating the ministries and programs of the church and its organization. It is to recommend to the Church suggested objectives and church goals; to revive and coordinate ministry and program plans recommended by church Leaders, and ministry teams; to recommend the use of leadership, calendar time, and other resources according to program priorities; and to evaluate achievements in terms of church objectives and goals.
If you feel led to be involved in a Ministry, Please feel free to reach out to any church council member or contact the church office.